Tag: RocktheVote

Voting on Election Day in the United States

Election Day is the day when citizens of a country exercise their right to vote and elect their representatives at different levels of government. In America, Election Day is held on the first Tuesday of November every two years, and it’s a day of immense importance for the nation. On this day, eligible voters head …

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Revolutionizing Democracy: AI’s Redemption for Voter Trust in the US Voting System

a close up of a box

Artificial Intelligence (AI) possesses immense potential to revolutionize the election process in the United States, effectively curbing instances of cheating. Picture this: a future where the electoral journey is fortified by AI’s unwavering presence. Let’s delve into the captivating ways AI can reshape the landscape. To begin, AI can seamlessly streamline the voter registration and …

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Proof of Citizenship and Photo I.D. Should Be Required to Vote in U.S. Elections

Trump 2020 Keep America Great

Donald Trump Not Acting Presidential

Kamala Harris Vice President Selection Process

Ted Nugent Speaks About Democrats

“My God, listening to these Democrats and watching the hate on their faces is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my 71 years. Every rotten nasty allegation they make against this President is what they are glaringly guilty of themselves! Indescribable rotten humanity! How much more of this runaway corruption and criminal …

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Ozzy Osbourne is More Coherent Than Joe Biden

Voting for Donald Trump

Republicans vs Democrats at Voting

Voting for Joe Biden?

Joe Biden Says You Ain’t Black