Things to See Around the Barringer Meteor Crater

When first walking up you can see the meteor crater in its entirety, but for a closer view you need to walk to the observation deck.

While walking out to the observation deck you can see some Moenkopi Sandstone.

From the observation deck at the Barringer Meteor Crater near Winslow, Arizona there are some telescopes that are pointing at different objects. It is all to teach you more about the crater and to use as a size comparison.

Here you can see the raised strata from the impact of the meteor.

These next series of images show the Drill Hole A site, the winch and boiler next to the main drill shaft, the main shaft, and a full size astronaut and flag to show you how big they actually appear. I really had to zoom in from the observation deck to get clear photos of these objects.

A site like this needs some dedication plaques to give recognition to those who participated or donated to help support the cause.

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