2024-02-29 archive

Leap Year in the USA: Calendar Tricks, Celestial Dance, and the Quirky Tradition of Proposing Playfully

The occurrence of leap year in America unfolds at intervals of four years, presenting itself as a captivating phenomenon deeply intertwined with the Gregorian calendar. This concept, in its essence, aims to harmonize the span of the calendar year with that of the solar year, representing the time taken by Earth to complete its orbit …

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Leap Year in Japan: Floating Troubles and Business Bounties on the 29th of February

The commemoration of a leap year in Japan may not hold as much prominence as some other culturally significant festivals. However, there are a few intriguing customs and traditions associated with this additional day that make it truly distinctive. One such tradition is known as “nagashi bina,” which can be loosely translated as “floating dolls.” …

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