Category: Humor

A Taste of Freedom

Busy Night at Stone Henge as Workers Move all the Stones Forward One Hour

New Year, New Mental Issues

a man wearing a suit and tie

It’s Time for the New Year New Me

Straight Home Chronicles

China Built the Great Wall Over 2000 Years Ago and Still Don’t Have Any Mexicans

a large mountain in the background

Meet People the Old Fashioned Way

a sign on the side of the street

When She Feels Like Superwoman

a person posing for a picture

If She Can Take a Tattoo

What Archeologists Would Find if the Pompeii Disaster Happened Today

Arby’s Has the Meats


Sugar and Spice, Minus the Nice: The Bittersweet Truth About Sperm

a group of people sitting at a table

When You Notice She’s Cold

graphical user interface, text

A Woman’s Orgasm Isn’t Necessary

Rusty Roof Equals a Wet Basement

a woman taking a selfie

Two Things I Can Stare at Forever

a close up of a fire

Why Kangaroos Don’t Have Boobs

When She Asks Where You Are Taking Her For Dinner


You Know Who This Is

a woman posing for a photo

When Buying a Used Bike I Hope it Wasn’t Ridden too Hard

a woman smiling for the camera

The Face You Make When You Miss the Toilet

a close up of a man

I’m Going to Do Something With My Life

Navigating the World of Deafness-Causing Factors


Who Puts a Piece of Gum on a Plate

a person sitting at a table

Mouth to Mouth CPR Comic

When You Just Start a Job and Already Have a Reputation

graphical user interface

Found Your Mom’s OnlyFans

If She Has Small Boobs You Can Still Motorboat

When They Build a Statue For the Wrong Reason

a statue of a person

Surprise Your Girlfriend at Work with an Engagement Ring

Video Games and Relationships Have This in Common