“Phase In” Equipment into Business Operations

The purpose of this document is to explain the term “phase in” and how it relates to phasing in a server cluster. Also included within this document is an explanation of what type of risk analysis needs to be conducted in order to phase in the cluster. This document is intended for anybody looking to gain a basic understanding or knowledge of risk analysis and how to merge a new system with an existing system and how it impacts operations.

In order for Kucera Clothiers to integrate a server cluster into their organization, it should be a goal to decide how to integrate the new system with any current systems while minimizing any interruptions of operations. It is important for Kucera to “phase in” the new system by using a three-step plan in order to reduce any interference with company operations (Microsoft, 2008). Trying to incorporate an entire system all at one time without impacting operations can be rather cumbersome, therefore it is recommended to phase in the system in a few different steps. The initial step of the phase in plan is to physically install all of the hardware and test it to ensure everything is functioning correctly. The second step of the phase in plan is to migrate network services, one by one, onto the server cluster and test each service to ensure it is functioning correctly. The final step of the phase in plan is to migrate user data in small groups until all users have been migrated to the new system and then test to ensure there is no data lost and everything is functioning correctly. Once the new system has been completely phased in Kucera Clothiers can power down and reallocate the legacy system as necessary.

Prior to phasing in any new system into current operations it is important for Kucera Clothiers to conduct a risk analysis to determine how operations can be affected in the event something does not go as planned. When conducting a risk analysis, it is important to identify what types of risks are involved whether the risk is a human risk, operational risk, procedural risk, technical risk, natural risk, or even a political risk (Mind Tools Ltd, 2009). The risk analysis should determine how the phase in plan has the largest impact on the organization and then try to manage that risk. Due to network services affecting the majority of users at one time, it is recommended to migrate the network services one at a time in order to minimize the potential for an issue to affect the vast majority of users. Also, because network services affect the vast majority of users within the organization it is recommended to migrate the services, either during non-business hours or during hours of minimal network traffic. Once the risk analysis has been conducted and a plan has been devised in order to deal with the majority of users, then the risk analysis can be conducted in order to devise a plan how to migrate uses with minimal impact. Due to Kucera being a global company, it is recommended to migrate user data during non-business hours starting with users in the Greenwich Median Time (GMT) zone and progressing through the rest of the time zones moving groups of users and then testing the migration of user data prior to the start of the business day for those users.

In conclusion, Kucera Clothiers can minimize operational impact by first conducting a risk analysis in order to identify how the organization can be impacted and devising a plan to minimize that risk. Kucera can also “phase in” the server cluster into their organization by using a three-step plan. Step one ensures the hardware is installed, configured, and tested. Step two involves migrating network services from the old system to the server cluster and testing it. Step three involves migrating user data in increments of users during non-business hours and testing to ensure no data has been lost. By conducting a risk analysis and using a phase in plan, Kucera Clothiers can successfully implement the use of a network server cluster to support their IT goals.

(2008, November). Configuring Integration Services in a Clustered Environment. Retrieved May 17, 2009, from Configuring Integration Services in a Clustered Environment Web site: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345193(SQL.90).aspx

(2009). Risk Analysis & Risk Management. Retrieved May 17, 2009, from Project Risk Analysis Techniques – Risk Management from Mind Tools Web site: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_07.htm

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