Tag: IT

Project “Phasing In”

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to explain the term ‚Äúphase in‚Äù and how it relates to phasing in a server cluster. Also included within this document is an explanation of what type of risk analysis needs to be conducted in order to phase in the cluster. This document is intended for anybody looking …

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“Phase In” Equipment into Business Operations

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to explain the term ‚Äúphase in‚Äù and how it relates to phasing in a server cluster. Also included within this document is an explanation of what type of risk analysis needs to be conducted in order to phase in the cluster. This document is intended for anybody looking …

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Business Trends

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to describe two different business trends and determine if current business trends have a positive or negative affect on the company by utilizing a scenario of a store that has multiple sites and locations to deliver products in a fast and efficient manner. The corporate IT strategy of …

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Computer Literate Executives and Information Systems

[Abstract] The purpose of this document is to provide an argument to the question, “As more computer- and information system-literate employees move into executive positions, will executive support systems be needed? Why or why not?” The second part of this document answers the questions, “What special knowledge, other than that found in a course catalog, …

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Does a Certain Song Bring Back That Certain Memory?

The other day I heard the song by Cher – Believe. Normally I wouldn’t really pay attention to a bad knockoff of techno like this, except it made me start thinking of the first place I heard it. The first time I heard this song was in Florida. I remember it vividly because I was …

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