Category: Entertainment

Dolby Theater

The Dolby Theater is such a nice venue to hold the Oscars.

Oscar Interviewers

Here are some photos of different interviews and interviewers going on for the Oscars. Anytime is a good time to Tweet about the Oscars!

Interview for the Oscars

Walking in front of the Chinese Theater there was an interview going as they were walking down the street for the Oscars.


Where can I get a Golden Ticket? Update: March 15th, 2017 I found a golden ticket. You can get it from here: Where to get a Golden Ticket

Ripley’s Believe it or Not in on the Red Carpet Action

Everybody is getting into the 89th Academy Awards. Even Ripley’s Believe it or Not is getting in on the action.

Stage is set for the 89th Academy Awards

Checks and double checks have been done in preparation for the 89th Academy Awards.

Security at the Oscars

This year security was tight at the Oscars. They blocked off sections that were open for the last couple of years. There were more drop cloth to keep things more hidden than usual.

Dev Patel is off to get an Oscar

Dev Patel, who has played many roles such as Slumdog Millionaire is going to get an Oscar for the role in Lion.

Hollywood Elites

This year with it being an election year, I’m really not looking forward to these pampered, privileged, overpaid Hollywood elites who take the time to pat themselves on the back for doing their job. They get dressed up in fancy clothes, eat expensive food, and show the world how they don’t live by the same …

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Oscars Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel will host the Oscars which will be interesting because he will make some jokes about the nominees and will have a blast doing so.


アカデミー賞授賞式前日に、有名な「HOLLYWOOD」のサインの裏側を見にハイキングして来ました。 3マイル(約5㎞)と表示してあって気軽な気持ちで登ったのに、結局10マイル(約16㎞)歩いてましたよぉ〜! 子供の足だと3時間も掛かって登頂!(途中迷ったし^^;しかも娘は靴を忘れてサンダル履き) お腹空いてボロボロだったけど、山頂は気持ち良くいい経験になりました♪ 登ってみたい方はここを参考に HOLLLYWOOD SIGHN HIKE (ハリウッドサイン・ハイキングコース) 3204 Canyon Lake Dr Hollywood, CA 90068

Oscars change up

Due to the small spacing of the Oscars last year, there are going to be a more bigger and a tarp that is going to be implemented in this years’ Oscars Red Carpet.

第89回アカデミー賞ノミネート作品 / 2017 Oscar Nominations

第89回アカデミー賞授賞式は、現地時間の2月26日7pm/4pm、ハリウッドのドルビーシアターで開催されます。 日本では、WOWOWで2/27(月)午前10時から生中継されるそう。 注目は「ラ・ラ・ランド」が最多14ノミネート!さて幾つ獲得するでしょう〜? 日本で大ヒットしたアニメ映画「君の名は」 全米では2017年4月公開予定のため、残念ながら今年の対象作品ではありません。 来年ノミネートされたらいいですね!期待しましょう〜♪ 今年のホストはジミー・キンメル。 日本では無名ですが、アメリカではABCトーク番組の人気司会者&コメディアンです。 ノミネート作品 【作品賞】 メッセージ フェンス ハクソー・リッジ 最後の追跡 ヒドゥン・フィギュアズ ラ・ラ・ランド LION/アイオン〜25年目のただいま マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シー ムーンライト 【監督賞】 ドゥニ・ヴィルヌーヴ「メッセージ」 メル・ギブソン「ハクソー・リッジ」 デイミアン・チャゼル「ラ・ラ・ランド」 ケネス・ロナーガン「マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シー」 バリー・ジェンキンス「ムーンライト」 【主演男優賞】 デンゼル・ワシントン「フェンス」 アンドリュー・ガーフィールド「ハクソー・リッジ」 ライアン・ゴズリング「ラ・ラ・ランド」 ヴィゴ・モーテンセン「はじまりへの旅」 ケイシー・アフレック「マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シー」 【主演女優賞】 イザベル・ユペール「エル」 ルース・ネッガ「ラビング 愛という名前のふたり」 ナタリー・ポートマン「ジャッキー/ファーストレディ 最後の使命」 エマ・ストーン「ラ・ラ・ランド」 メリル・ストリーブ「マダム・フローレンス!夢見るふたり」 【助演男優賞】 マハーシィアラ・アリ「ムーンライト」 ジェフ・ブリッジス「最後の追跡」 ルーカス・ヘッジズ「マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シー」 デヴ・パテル「LION/ライオン〜25年目のただいま」 マイケル・シャノン「ノクターナル・アニマルズ」 【助演女優賞】 ヴィオラ・デイヴィス「フェンス」 ミシェル・ウィリアムズ「マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シー」 オクタヴィア・スペンサー「ヒドゥン・フィギュアーズ」 ナオミ・ハリス「ムーンライト」 ニコール・キッドマン「LION/25年目のただいま」 【脚本賞】 最後の追跡 ラ・ラ・ランド ロブスター マンチェスター・バイ・ザ・シー 20センチュリー・ウーマン …

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Jimmy Kimmel Live After the Academy Awards

Jimmy Kimmel Live is supposed to be live following the Academy Awards, but the show has already aired on the ABC app. and it starts out with Jimmy in a back alley and he pays Billy Crystal money for an Oscar, but it turns out to be Oscar the Grouch and Jimmy screams, “This is …

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Meryl Streep Wins Oscar for What?

Spoiler Alert: Meryl Streep wins an Academy Award because Hollywood are a bunch of douches who liked her rant about Donald Trump. Talk about an over rated actress!

Are the Oscars Prerecorded?

Yesterday I went to Hollywood to take some photos before the Oscars that are to start today at 4 PM Pacific time. This morning I woke up and watched Jimmy Kimmel Live at 8 AM, but his show is supposed to be live after the Oscars. How did he have recordings of people walking the …

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Oscars 2017

This year I’m not really excited about the Academy Awards as I have been in the past. I think I have heard about all I want to hear from Hollywood and movie stars to are obviously privileged and overpaid. Especially since this was an election year and I heard numerous Hollywood elites say that because …

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Comic CON 2016

Today I drove down by the convention center to see some of the interesting characters around Comic CON 2016. It was quite a crowd and it was busy. Here are some photos.

Shark Week 2016 Day 6

Here is a photo of a whale shark from below.

Shark Week 2016 Day 5

Shark Week 2016 continues and so does my photos of sharks.

Shark Week 2016 Day 4


Shark Week 2016 Day 3

In the spirit of Shark Week 2016, here is a photo I took of a silky shark that was in the Okinawa aquarium.

Shark Week is Here

Shark Week 2016 Day 2

Look at these shark chompers!

Shark Week 2016 Day 1

Have you ever wondered what a shark would look like if it was sliced?  I was at the Okinawa aquarium and saw exactly that.  You can see the muscle, cartilage, and organs.  Here is what it looks like.

Shark Week 2016 Announcement

Donkey Kong is an A-hole!

Donkey Kong is an A-hole! I never knew I would have such strong feelings for a video game character, but I do. I hate him. I hate everything about him. I will show you some proof of why I think he’s an a-hole. First off let me start by saying that only an a-hole would …

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Clash of Clans – Join Our Clan

Come join our clan named “The Ku machan” in the game the Clash of Clans. Our clan rules are basic. We want everybody to participate to make each other better and improve the clan. You may notice in the our clan name that it isn’t The Kumachan that is because the game must thing Kumachan …

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Capitol Records in Hollywood, California

Here is a photo of the Capitol Records building located in Hollywood, California.  This must be where the magic happens.

DJ Tiesto Billboard on Hollywood Boulevard

I was walking down Hollywood Boulevard at night and looked up to see a DJ Tiesto billboard for Hakkasan in Las Vegas.

Hollywood Walk of Fame Stars – 2nd Shoot

I went to Hollywood boulevard and took some more photos of the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, California. Here are the photos of the different stars I took pictures of.