Category: Photos

The Oscars 2016 第88回アカデミー授賞式

今年のホストはクリス・ロックです。 最多ノミネート作品は、レオナルド・ディカプリオ主演の「The Revenant レヴェナント」で、 次に多かったのが日本でも大ヒットした「マッドマックス怒りのデス・ロード」です。 ディカプリオは初オスカーを手にするかが注目されていますね。 シルベスター・スタローンは1977年にロッキーで主演男優賞にノミネートされて以来だそうです。 長編アニメーション部門で「思い出マーニー」がノミネートされていますね。 受賞すれば千と千尋の神隠し以来の快挙だそうです。 大ファンという訳ではないし詳しくもないのですが、 なぜかアカデミー授賞式前夜に2年連続で訪れてしまったハリウッド。 折角なので写真を撮ってきました。授賞式準備のためにスタッフが働いていました。 去年よりあまり飾り付けされていない印象です。相変わらず人は沢山いました。

Jimmy Kimmel Live Oscars 2016

Maybe Jimmy Kimmel would talk about the oscars later. Maybe Matt Damon will actually get on the show tonight. Good luck Matt!

The El Capitan Theatre Oscars 2016

The El Capitan Theatre looks like it’s nice.

Dolby Theatre Oscars 2016

The Dolby Theatre right in the middle of the oscars.

El Capitan Oscars 2016

I’m pretty sure the El Capitan is full because of the oscars.

Hard Rock Cafe at Oscars 2016

There’s the Hard Rock Cafe near the oscars.

Hey look it’s the Oscars 2016

Hey look it’s the oscars 2016!

A Neat Mirror Chandelier at Oscars 2016

This is a cool mirror chandelier thing I’ve found walking around the oscars

Cool Red Oscar 2016

This Oscar is Red with embarrassment for being the only guy wearing his birthday suit.

Elephant 2016 Oscars

Even the elephant wants to see the oscars.

Shrek at 2016 Oscars

I hope I get to see Shrek at the Oscars!

2016 Academy Awards Man of the Hour

Here is the man of the hour.

There’s Something You Don’t See Everyday

Today as I was driving home from work, I was stopped at a red light and I looked over and saw a dinosaur tied up in the back of a pickup truck. I thought to myself, “There’s something you don’t see everyday.” Then I took a quick photo and drove home.

Julian Pies

「ジュリアンのパイは美味しいよ〜」との噂を聞いたので行ってみた。山側へドライブして雪が見たかったというのもある。勝手にジュリアンというレストランがあるのだと思っていた。着いてみたら多くの観光客が各レストランの前に並んでいた。駐車するのも一苦労だった。ジュリアンは小さな町で、レストラン・ホテル・お土産やさんが連なっており、ちょっとした観光地だった。パイ屋さんも数件あったが、JULIAN PIE COMPANYというベタな名前の長蛇の列に並んでみた。数種類のパイとクッキー、マフィンやドーナッツ等があった。$1.95の追加料金でホイップクリーム、アイスクリーム、シナモンソース、キャラメル等のトッピングも可能。コーヒーとホットココアの飲み物があり、水は無料だった。小さい店内で正面入り口前と裏にちょっとしたテラス席があり、そこで食べられるようになっていた。スライスとホールの購入レジが分かれていたので、スライスの方に並んだ。ホームメイド・アップルパイにした。一切れが大きくてThe American Pieでビックした。$3.50だった。味は甘さ控えめ。りんごの酸っぱさも適度にあり、おばあちゃんの手作り感満載で噂通りに美味しかった。気に入ったのでホールでも購入($14.95)。冷蔵庫で保存して1週間。食べる前にレンジで軽く温めてアイスを載せると美味しさが増した。普段パイを食べない娘も気に入って毎日のおやつになった。ジュリアンのレストランも美味しいと高評価だったので、機会があれば今度は食事をしに行ってみたい。 We heard ” The pie of Julian is delicious!”  We wanted to see snow to mountain side too. so we went to Julian. I thought that there was a restaurant called Julian. But Julian is a small town and good sight-seeing spot. They have many restaurant and hotel and Souvenir …

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Carolina Panthers TopCat Cheerleaders

In preparation for the National Football League Super Bowl 50 where the Carolina Panthers will be taking on the Denver Bronco’s I decided to share the only stuff I have of either team. These videos are of the Carolina Panthers cheerleaders the TopCats when they came to military installations in the Pacific. These videos were …

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The R8 revolver from Counter Strike Global Offensive

The r8 revolver from Counter Strike Global Offensive (Csgo) is over powered, and it’s your mini hand-held awp. Also, everyone in Csgo is running around with the gun being cowboys.  If you’re playing the game keep an eye out for me

When You’re Over 60, Who Cares?

Cowboy: “Give me 3 packets of condoms, please.” Cashier: “Do you need a paper bag with that, sir?” Cowboy: “Nah.. She’s purty good lookin’…..” When you are over sixty, who cares? *********** I was talking to a girl in the bar last night. She said, “If you lost a few pounds, had a shave and …

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The Positive Side of Life

Interesting Trucks

Here are some old and interesting trucks of varying makes and models.

Earth is a Beautiful Place

The Morning After the Zoo’s Christmas Party

What Love Looks Like

Redneck Ingenuity

Daily Factoids

Dose of daily factoids.

Imperial Beach, California

Went over to Imperial Beach, California today to check out the pier, the ocean, and the scenery. Here are some photos that I took while I was there. It gives a different point of view of San Diego and the surrounding area. In the photos you can see the Imperial Beach pier, San Diego, Coronado …

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Birds of Paradise Flower Photos

Right now I’ve got some Birds of Paradise flowers that are in bloom. I really like these flowers. They are pretty and have a distinct appearance about them. Here are a few photos I took.

L&L Hawaiian Barbecue

L&L Hawaiian Barbecue is so delicious. The biggest problem is that the portions are huge and it just tastes so good.

Crenshaw Boulevard

As I drove by and saw this sign I was having “Boyz in the Hood” flashbacks.

Halloween Jack-o-lantern by Shock Top Beer

I went to the supermarket today and there was this cool display by Shock Top beer. Personally, I’ve never heard of Shock Top before, but I think their jack-o-lantern is pretty cool. Here are a couple of photos so you can see for yourself.

Photos at La Jolla in San Diego, California

Took a drive over La Jolla in San Diego today to check out the surf and snap a few photos. The beach wasn’t very busy. Here are some photos I took while there.

Point Loma Nazarene University

Drove over to Point Loma Nazarene University today in San Diego, California. Here are some of the photos that were taken around there. The thing that is so spectacular is the location. The university is overlooking the Pacific Ocean near the sunset cliffs. The views are just stunning and some of the architecture is neat …

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