Tag: Freedom

Flag Day: Celebrating America’s Unity and Values

Patriotism and national pride are essential components of American identity, vividly expressed through numerous celebrations and traditions. Among these, Flag Day stands as a potent symbol of the nation’s reverence for its flag and the ideals it represents. Officially inaugurated in 1916 and later codified as National Flag Day by Congress in 1949, the June …

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Unyielding Valor: The Saga of William Wallace, Scotland’s Eternal Hero

In the annals of Scottish history, one name stands out like a beacon of hope and defiance: William Wallace. Born in the tumultuous era of the late 13th century, Wallace would rise to become a legendary figure, forever etched in the memories of his countrymen. With a spirit untamed by English oppression, Wallace emerged as …

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Unraveling the Dance Between Rights and Civil Liberties: A Fascinating Exploration

The distinction between a right and a civil liberty is both fascinating and crucial. Let’s dive into it! Imagine a right as a deep-rooted entitlement that every individual inherently possesses, regardless of any external factors. It’s like a sacred moral or legal claim that should never be taken away without a valid reason. These rights …

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Abraham Lincoln was a Remarkable Leader who Steered the Nation Through one of its Most Challenging Periods

a man wearing a suit and tie

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of America, was a remarkable leader who steered the nation through one of its most challenging periods. Born in a humble log cabin in Kentucky in 1809, Lincoln’s childhood was marked by poverty and limited education. Nonetheless, he possessed an insatiable thirst for knowledge and taught …

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No One is Coming to Rescue the United States

Freedom Boner

Donald Trump is a Patriot