Tag: Statue

When They Build a Statue For the Wrong Reason

a statue of a person

Mahatma Gandhi Statue

In the heart of the capital of New Zealand is a statue of Mahatma Gandhi.

Mechanical Panda Statue in Beijing

Weird Statue in Beijing

I came across this funny statue in Beijing so I took a photo of it. After looking at it I can’t quite figure out what it is supposed to be. The face looks almost like an unhappy alien, but it’s wearing a Speedo and has what looks like a deer antler hat on and I’m …

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Statue of Major General Andrew Jackson

In New Orlean’s Louisiana was a statue of Major General Andrew Jackson. With the liberal movement to have historic statues removed this statue may not still be there. He is what the statue looked like. If you are interested in learning more about who Andrew Jackson was, what he stood for, what he accomplished, and …

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Japanese Dragon Statue

In the USA people will decorate their lawns with yard gnomes, bird baths, and other decorations. In Japan here is a dragon statue.

Statue in Japan

Here is a little statue in Japan.

George Washington Statue

Walked through the George Washington University Campus in the Foggy Bottom area of Washington D.C. and passed by this statue. I felt it wouldn’t be right to pass by a statue of one of the greatest leaders in American history and not capture a photo of the moment I had.

San Diego Airport

Here are some things I saw while at the San Diego airport. One was a group of people that were all white and the title of it is, “At the Gate.” The other photo was of the Spirit of Saint Louis airplane.