Does a Certain Song Bring Back That Certain Memory?

The other day I heard the song by Cher – Believe. Normally I wouldn’t really pay attention to a bad knockoff of techno like this, except it made me start thinking of the first place I heard it. The first time I heard this song was in Florida. I remember it vividly because I was down in Florida attending an IT class down there and this song was big on the radio. Where I clearly remember this song was down by Pennsacola. It was early in the morning and I was in my rental car driving across a drawbridge. There was a fishing boat going out to the Gulf of Mexico with a flock of seagulls flying around it. The sun was just breaking the horizon when this song came on. The water was blue and the nearby beaches had white sand. I guess I took a mental snapshot of this early morning drive and co-related it to this song.

It’s experiences like this that are always nice to remember from time to time. Hearing this song took me back to this experience I had. I’m thankful for all of my experiences and I hope to have many more. Do you have that certain memory to go with a certain song?

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