Tag: iPod

A Pilot Father’s Tough Love

Since I’m a pilot, one method that I have found very effective is for me to just take the child for a short flight during which I say nothing and give the child the opportunity to reflect on his or her behavior. I don’t know whether it’s the steady vibration from the engines, or just …

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Apple Scrapped Their Plans for a New Product

I’ve heard that Apple has scrapped their plans for the new children’s-oriented iPod after realizing that “iTouch Kids” is not a good product name.

iPod Touch

Today I received my brand new iPod touch. This is the 1st Apple iPod I actually bought. This version of the iPod touch is the 16GB model. It is pretty cool. I’m still learning and playing with the settings and syncing, but it definitely won’t take me long to figure everything out. The strange thing …

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