
Author's posts

The Neverending Story as a Kid Versus and Adult

Won’t Be Helping With Homework Assignments Anymore

Tried Peking Duck for the First Time

“When in Rome do as the Romans do,” as they say. While in Beijing I had to give Peking duck a try to experience the local cuisine. The food was delicious. It was a little bit greasy, but that’s due to fat on the duck. They gave you sauces and vegetables you can try and …

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Hunter Biden Talks To Joe About His Laptop

No Drinking Before Five O’Clock

Hooters Missed Business Oppertunity

How About Meatloaf for Dinner

Kind of Handsome

Mickey Rourke and Axl Rose Look Like a Couple Who Own an Antique Shop

Shopping in Xi’an

No matter if you are shopping for food, drink, snacks, or even souvenirs in Xi’an, China there are all sorts of stores for you. Here are some of the sights of stores and products you could buy.

Praying to the Porcelain God

Sitting on Pillar

When You Lose Power Steering

Government Orgy

Officer Questions Alibi

Obedience School Comic

Hilton Hotel in Xi’an China

Here are some photos of the Hilton hotel in Xi’an, China. It’s a very nice hotel with a friendly staff and lots of historic artwork.

Got Her the Perfect Gift

POTUS Amber Alert

Children Safe from Joe Biden

Some People Drain the Nice Right Out of You

Lift People Up

Found Out About Half-Sister

Embassy of the United States in Beijing, China

Brittney Griner Signs Contract with Russia

Joe Biden Did That

Buy Gas by Showing Voter Registration

Granny Clampett Had a Son She Left in Kentucky

Remember When Colonists Registered Their Muskets

Lost a Finger

Meanwhile at Martha’s Vineyard