
Author's posts

Plant That Looks Like Coral

Here is a plant that is a succulent, but it almost looks like coral is growing on land. It is real interesting the way the light shines through it and makes it look different colors.

Sometimes it Pays to Tell the Truth

Jack decided to go ski-ing with his buddy, Bob. So they loaded up Jack’s minivan and headed north. After driving for a few hours, they got caught in a terrible blizzard. So they pulled into a nearby farm and asked the attractive lady who answered the door if they could stay the night. “I realize …

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Hickam Air Force Base

On Hickam Air Force base back by the channel to Pearl Harbor and near the Officer’s club there is the Missing Man Memorial that honors those who have lost their lives in battle.

Lobbing Grenades

In case you haven’t ever seen anybody ever throwing a grenade here is someone on a range doing just that.

Japanese Dessert Store

What kind of building is this? Is it a temple? Perhaps an orphanage? Guess again. It’s actually a Japanese dessert shop located in Kamakura.

Blonde Men

A blonde man is in the bathroom and his wife shouts: “Did you find the shampoo?” He answers, “Yes, but I’m not sure what to do…it’s for dry hair, and I’ve just wet mine.” ———————————— A blonde man spies a letter lying on his doormat. It says on the envelope “DO NOT BEND.” He spends …

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Rice Fields in Japan

If you haven’t ever seen any rice fields or how rice is grown it is pretty interesting because Japan does not have a lot of farm land so they grow rice wherever they can. Here are a couple fields I happened to snap a couple photos of as I was driving by.

Going Solar

More and more businesses, organizations, schools, and people are installing solar panels and why not? Not only do the solar panels produce power by converting light into electricity, but they also provide shade and lower your bills and if there are enough of them, they can even produce a profit. With people looking for alternative …

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Fortune Cookie Fortune

I had a fortune cookie that had this fortune in it that stated, “You have a keen sense of humor and bring out the best in others.” I’m not so certain that is an actual fortune as much as it is just a statement. I think I got cheated.

Store in a Van

Step 1. Find an easily recognizable place. Step 2. Plant flag. Step 3. Open for business. This person chose quite the monumental spot to open his van store.

Japanese Dragon Statue

In the USA people will decorate their lawns with yard gnomes, bird baths, and other decorations. In Japan here is a dragon statue.

Statue in Japan

Here is a little statue in Japan.

WESTPAC 2018 Patch

Aztec Gold

Found this Aztec Gold in the supermarket. Hadn’t ever seen this type of beer before and thought the logo was cool enough to snap a photo.

Parachuting at Night in Kuwait

Here are some videos of parachuting jumps at night and below is a video of the McKeanna drop zone in Kuwait.

Ali Al Salem Air Base View From Communications Tower

Here is a view of tent city from atop of the communications tower and below is a video that shows what the desert looks like.

Firing the M240

Here is a video of what it is like to fire an M240 weapon. This video was taken at a range in Kuwait.

Getting into Heaven

An Angel visited a woman and told her she must give up smoking, drinking and unmarried sex if she wants to get into Heaven. The woman said she would try her best. The Angel visited the woman a week later to see how she was getting on. “Not bad” said the woman, “I’ve given up …

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Shooting an M4

Shooting an M4 weapon at a Kuwaiti range.

Tony Blair Visits Kuwait

Tony Blair the former British prime minister visited Ali Al Salem air base in Kuwait. In these photos you can see him shaking hands with Colonel Smith the former base commander.

Patriot Missiles

While stationed at Ali Al Salem air base in Kuwait there were some Patriot Missiles there. Every time Saddam Hussein sent scud missiles south of the 38th parallel something would be sent up that way to take it out. Periodically I would check just to ensure they were still pointing north. If they were I …

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Buddhist Temple at Enoshima, Japan

While walking around Enoshima, Japan one of the landmarks was this buddhist temple. Here is a view looking towards Enoshima Island in Fujisawa.

HC-130 Daytime Parabundle Drop

Here are some different videos of a HC-130 performing routine air drops.

General Ryan Visits Ali Al Salem

General Ryan visited Ali Al Salem airbase in Kuwait. While there he received a tour of the base by Colonel Smith and the facilities and also participated in reenlistment ceremonies.

Funny Watch the Gap Sign

This was one of the funniest signs I’ve ever seen and it was taken at the jungle cruise ride at California Disneyland of all places.

Inspirational Quote By Mario Andretti

Pirate Ship and Mark Twain Riverboat Cruise

In Frontierland of Disneyland California there are a couple of ships where you can take a 15-30 minute cruise. One of the ships is a pirate ship and the other is the Mark Twain steamboat paddle wheel ship. While on the cruise you get a guided tour of different sights you can see in Frontierland.

Indiana Jones Ride at Disneyland California

Here are some of the sights you can see while waiting in line for the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland of California .

It’s a Small World Ride at Disneyland California

Here are some of the sights you can see at the It’s a Small World ride at Disneyland California.

Castle at Disneyland of California

This is what the Castle looks like at Disneyland of California.

Little Italy Bar & Grill in El Cajon California

I don’t typically write a lot of reviews, however in this case I need to give credit where credit is due. I went and ate at the Little Italy Bar & Grill in El Cajon, California for a special occasion and the food was amazing. The quality was great the price was very reasonable and …

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